How To Organize Budget Collections

We aim to give you the flexibility to tailor your budget in a way that suits you best. We don't require you to fit all of your expenses into a limited number of pre-selected categories. Although Ploutos Budget comes with pre-populated collections and categories to help you get started, you have the freedom to add, edit, delete, and reorder them according to your needs.

🌎 Web Application

Collections are essentially a group of budget categories.


  1. Click on the "Create" button in the bottom right corner.
  2. Click "Collection".

Create a new collection button.

  1. Enter the name you want to give the new collection.

New collection form.

  1. Click "Save".

Edit / Rename Collection

  1. Click on the collection name in your budget screen.

Click on the collection name in your budget screen.

  1. Enter the new name you want the collection to have.

Edit collection form.

  1. Click "Save".


  1. A collection that contains categories cannot be deleted.
    1. Before proceeding, delete the categories or move them to a different collection.
  2. Click on the collection name.

Click on the collection name in your budget screen.

  1. Click "Delete".

Edit collection form.


  1. Hover your mouse over the collection row you wish to move.

Reorder a collection.

  1. Click and hold down on the 6 dots at the front of the row.
  2. While still holding down drag your mouse up or down to reorder the collection.

📱 Mobile Application

Collections are essentially a group of budget categories.


  1. Tap on the "Create" button in the bottom navigation.

Global create button.

  1. Tap "Collection".

Create drawer.

  1. Enter the name you want to give the new collection.

New collection form.

  1. Tap "Save".

Edit / Rename Collection

  1. Press and hold the collection name for two seconds, then release.

Edit collection.

  1. Enter the new name you want the collection to have.

Edit collection form.

  1. Tap "Save".


  1. A collection that contains categories cannot be deleted.
    1. Before proceeding, delete the categories or move them to a different collection.
  2. Press and hold the collection name for two seconds, then release.

Edit collection.

  1. Tap "Delete Collection".

Delete collection button.

  1. Confirm by tapping "Delete".


  1. Press and hold the collection name for 2 seconds.

Edit collection.

  1. While still holding, slide your finger left or right to reorder.
  2. Release your finger when finished.
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